Many opportunities in different sections of the company
Many vacancies in various sections like Assistant Manager, HR, Supervisor, Packing, Group Leader, Front Office Staff etc.
Any eligible can apply. No experience is required. Vacancies that match your qualifications
Opportunities for all districts with high salary
For more information
phone number
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Recruitment for the vacancies in Central Tax & Central Excise Department in Kerala (Thiruvananthapuram Zone - Kochi) under Central Govt.
Assistant Halwai-cum-Cook
Vacancy: 1
Eligibility: 10th Class
Experience: One year
Salary: Rs.19,900 - Rs.63,200
Vacancy: 1
Qualification: Plus Two/ Equivalent
Typing Speed: (English: 35 wpm, Hindi: 30 wpm)
Salary: Rs.19,900 - Rs.63,200
Canteen Attendant
Vacancy: 12
Eligibility: 10th Class/ Equivalent
Salary: 18,000 - 56,900 Rs
Age: 18 - 25 years
(Govt servant: 40 years)
(Reserved category like SC/ ST/ OBC/ PwBD will get statutory age relaxation)
Last date to reach the postal application office : 25th October
See notification for details
Notification link
Website link
Vacancies are in various district office & factory outlets of Govt approved SAM
There are vacancies in the posts of Assistant Manager, Business Development Officer, Customer Service Executive, Administrator, Sales Executive, Supervisor etc.
🔰Salary: 15,000 - 49,500
🔰Age: 18 - 30
For more information
phone number
Whatsapp link